Policy Workshop: (Big) Team Science and Widening Participation

Mar 22, 2024 / Online

Do you use (big) team science, widening participation, and/or data science in your work? If yes, we need your help!
Dates Mar 22, 2024
Time (UTC) 13:00:00
Duration 02:30:00
Location Online
Cost Free
Registration Before Mar 22, 2024
Contact bethan@we-are-ols.org

Where is the overlap between (big) team science and widening participation (also known as diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility)? How can policies use team science to facilitate widening participation within science in the UK? How can this be applied to data science specifically?

We are conducting a research workshop to help answer these questions. As part of the workshop, you will:

  1. Take part in a workshop which will take approximately 2.5 hours, aimed at identifying the intersection between these concepts and developing relevant policy recommendations.

  2. Optionally, you may contribute to our research and policy outputs, which will award you co-authorship. Please note that this may affect your confidentiality and anonymity within the dataset.

This study uses open science practices. Full materials and anonymised data will be shared via a data sharing repository.

The project is organised by OLS (Open Life Science Limited) and is funded by a Skills Policy Award from the Alan Turing Institute and EPSRC (reference ELAT2\100015). This study passed an ethical review at Pearl IRB.

🌱 For full information about the study and how we are managing your data, please read the participant information sheet

🌱 Please complete the consent form BEFORE registering for the workshop

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bethan Iley.